Tuesday, September 30, 2008

One week into it...

Brief note:
I am coming up on my weekend so I will write more later. Have to do the brakes on my car on wednesday. So far so good......

Monday, September 29, 2008

Start of day 7....

Day 6 went very well. I was surprised to notice that I really didnt have the urge to smoke. It was a nice relaxing day. The rest of the night went well also, being my first day back at work in over a week. Surprising, I didnt find myself wanting to take breaks, in fact I didnt take any(well, of course bathroom breaks...coffee you know.....)

Day 7:
Today I woke up at about 11:30am. Have been up ever since. Need to go get the kids today because of the rain. Trying to keep myself occupied with odds and ends. A few really strong cravings today. Like I was ready to walk into the garage and smoke....bizarre. Keep your fingers crossed, I dont want to give in now......

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Day 5..Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Whew....testy. Cranky. Irritable. Grouchy. The kids have been awful today! Joking aside, they hav been trying my patience today. I have promised to buidl them desks out of a couple of 3 drawer chests we have had, and since I am using power tools, they cant help as much as they would like to. Amanda has helped a little more than Ben, but she is really shwoing an interest. Anyway, when she isnt helping she is walking around saying she is bored. Usually right around the time I start doing something. It's irritating.
Shan is home from work and is taking a nap. Then we are going to go to Wal Mart to get a few groceries. We'll see how the rest of the night goes......
Testy, grouchy, irritible............................................................

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fast forward to day #4......

Ok, so it's the 4th day. The last 3 have been tough, not crazy tough, but trying to say the least. Today, I felt like I could just give up at a moments notice. I dont know why, because I am still in the positivie frame of mind, and I am actually proud of myself of making it this far. Maybe it's the Chantix? But I would remind myself that I do not smoke anymore whenever I would get the craving, and then continue on. Shan has been a huge supporter, and is always curious as to how Im doing. In the past, she woulnt ask because trying to quit cold turkey would make me unbearable to live with. So she just would bring it up. Now, she doesnt have any fears of talking to me about it.
In the end(12 weeks total), I will be able to say that I have truly done it. I am also excited that the money spent on smokes is going towards a savings account, just for my ham radio stuff! I CANT WAIT!!!!! Until next time................

Becoming an "Ex"

First entry in the blog here. I hope you all find this look into the realm of my dealings with smoking both funny and heartfelt. I hope to keep everyone posted on my day to day issues. Enjoy and God bless!