Saturday, November 28, 2009

Desert...part 2

The shade from the tree is helping somewhat, but not much. I still dont know why I am here, let alone how I got here. I have no clue as to what my purpose is in this place. A little lizard scurries past my foot and into a hole off to my left. Must be nice an cool in there. Air conditioning. Wow, I miss the A/C. What would I do if it ever broke down? I guess Im findin out now. It's gotta be around 10am.

Why am I so preoccupied with the time? Is it because I have nothing other to think about? I guess I have sat enough, Ill get moving along. But to where am I going? I guess Ill go that way.

As I head off to my left, I walk along, listening to the ground. Thoughts of my home are flying through my head. Has anyone missed me yet? Does anyone know where I am? Am I in a time continuum? Does time really exist where I am? The sun doesnt seem to have moved much, but being this far away, it doesnt appear to move.

Im walking up over a small incline, when off in the distance, quite a bit away, I see what looks like a tent. Is that possible? People? Nah, just a mirage. But wait, I see movement. There are people there! I start to run towards them. Something tells me to slow down. "Dont burn your energy" a voice says to me. Who was that?

I slow down to a steady pace. I stop to catch my breath. As I raise up, I can see someone riding an animal towards me. Is it a camel or a horse? I cant tell. The person is dressed in black rags, sort of what you would see someone living in this environment to be wearing. They, and I only say they because I dont know who it may be, gallops towards me, a cloud of dust rising up from behind them.

As they approach, I can see the animal is a horse now and the rider is a male. The horse is a black stallion, muscles gleeming in the sun refelcting the sweat created by the run. As he approaches he is yelling something. Instinctivly I raise my hands: the unoversal sign for I am un armed! The only weapon I saw was a sword bouncing on the hip of the rider.

I cant make out what he is saying. It's a foreign language, but the way it sounds, it sounds like a warning. " I am lost!" I yelled. He keeps yelling "Престани да управо тамо!" What is he saying? I say " I am American!" Again he yells out "Престани да управо тамо!". I shook my head, then I heard him say " Stop right there!" Wait! I swear he was just talking another language. "I am an American!" I yell. " I know who you are.." he replies.

As the horse breaks it's gallop and slides to a stop 5 feet from me, he glares at me. " Quick, we need to get you into the tent, climb up." He holds out his hand, and I run over to the horse and grab his arm, put my foot on top of his and then he hoists me aboard like I was a 60 pound child. We turn and head off to the white tent off in the distance.

(to be continued...)

Saturday, November 21, 2009


The ground crunches as I take each step with my sandled feet. I dont know how long I have been walking, but it seems like it has been forever. The sun beats down on the top of my head. It feels like a hot spike laying right at the top, the thinnest part of where my hair grows. Ill throw my shirt over it in a little while, it's only 9 am, so I know it'll get hotter. Off in the distance, I can see a mountain range. No snow on top, just the same red color that blankets the ground I am traversing.

I grab my water bottle, open the chained lid and take a small sip. Warm, but it's refreshing. Ill need to ration, I think, each time I replenish my body. Food comes to mind, then quickly leaves. I dont have time to eat. I have to keep moving if I am ever going to leave this dry, desolate place.

How I got here is still something I have been asking myself. Last time I can remember, I was just waking up in my bed at home. It had been a long work week, and working the swing shift, well, you never get enough sleep. Anyway, I woke up from a dream about a desert. Now Im here. This is bizarre.

Off to my right, at about 20 yards, there is a Joshua tree. Maybe Ill head over there and rest for a few. Where is my watch? I dont remember taking it off before bed. Hmm. It's about 9:30. How is this possible? How do I know what the time is? None of this is making sense. I look for a good place to sit; a place with a the most shade. There we go.

(to be continued...)


I am working on (thinking actually) of writing. Duh, thats what Im doing now, but stay tuned for more...........