Saturday, October 3, 2009

Well thats done and overwith...

ARES, or Amatuer Radio Emergency Services is a group dedicated to setting up emergency communications when a disaster strikes. My group, the Kendall County ARES, participated in the 2009 Illinois Simulated Emergency Test, or ISET. It started at 0658 hrs with an 8+ mag. earthquake in the southern part of Illinois. Really, this part of Northern Illinois wasnt affected, howver we did have some localized simulated issues. So, with that being said, we had our 30ft communications trailer set up at Boulder Hill school, and 3 antennas in place in 90 minutes. Not bad for the first time. Anyway, we learned some things, like needing pullies to help raise the wire antenna, and other things. Im babbling now, Im tired, and I have to work tonight, so I will be eating and heading to bed.

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