Saturday, November 21, 2009


The ground crunches as I take each step with my sandled feet. I dont know how long I have been walking, but it seems like it has been forever. The sun beats down on the top of my head. It feels like a hot spike laying right at the top, the thinnest part of where my hair grows. Ill throw my shirt over it in a little while, it's only 9 am, so I know it'll get hotter. Off in the distance, I can see a mountain range. No snow on top, just the same red color that blankets the ground I am traversing.

I grab my water bottle, open the chained lid and take a small sip. Warm, but it's refreshing. Ill need to ration, I think, each time I replenish my body. Food comes to mind, then quickly leaves. I dont have time to eat. I have to keep moving if I am ever going to leave this dry, desolate place.

How I got here is still something I have been asking myself. Last time I can remember, I was just waking up in my bed at home. It had been a long work week, and working the swing shift, well, you never get enough sleep. Anyway, I woke up from a dream about a desert. Now Im here. This is bizarre.

Off to my right, at about 20 yards, there is a Joshua tree. Maybe Ill head over there and rest for a few. Where is my watch? I dont remember taking it off before bed. Hmm. It's about 9:30. How is this possible? How do I know what the time is? None of this is making sense. I look for a good place to sit; a place with a the most shade. There we go.

(to be continued...)

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