Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Well then...there you have it...Karma...

Have you ever been right...and know it, but havent been recognized for it? You know, sorta like "Yeah, well I told you that bridge was going to collapse, and it did and now looked what happened.."(I know the bridge thing is a bit much). Yeah, you know what Im saying. People who are told things are going to happen and dont pay heed are helplessly lost. The you can dance around sayin "Neener Neener Neeeeener! I told you so, told you so...." really. On second Dont do that. Why? Karma. Thats why. Karma, or God's way of saying "See, you did that after I told you not to...". The telling is the gut feeling you get "...maybe I shouldn't do this...nah! Its so much fun though! Wooo hoooo!!!!!" BAM! KARMA! In the face. In the gut. In get the idea.


Tood said...

Hmmm... Karma?

Anonymous said...

And it's funny, cuz the neighbor I was texting you about? Yeah...he came over with his mower and took care of my leaves for now im eating humble pie....Karma....I call it....