Thursday, September 13, 2012

Another new story

The large ship orbited the red planet, slowly moving, yet it's speed was a mind numbing 18,000 mph. Inside the medical wing, Chief Genetics Officer Joshua Adams stared at a monitor, studying the numbers that scrolled up the screen. As he found a number, he would jot it down. He leaned back in his chair, stretched his arms above his head, and yawned. He thought he had been there at that monitor for what seemed to be 16 hours, but it had only been 8.

CGO Adams was working on a project that had taken root back in his teenage years, when his thoughts of distant worlds were only that...thoughts. Other worlds had yet to be discovered, and space exploration was in it's infancy. The slate was clean, and anything was possible; the only limitation was that of the mind, and money. Joshua knew he wanted to be involved somehow, in the exploration program. He had no idea what he was going to do, but he knew he wanted to be a part of it. As with most educational programs, they offer career counseling. The people who headed off the program were Exploration Leaders, or ELs, pronounced "Ls". They, the Ls, always knew what was going to be the newest and best positions available in the Exploration Program. Joshua watched and listened to the Ls very closely.

Joshua had overheard one of the Ls speaking of genetic manipulation, or gm, and this seemed to be alot easier than any of the aerodynamic rocketry and anti-gravitational studies offered in the program. He went to the library and found information on gm, and started reading about it. This subject fascinated him. Being able to make life better, healtier and prolonged, was what interested him the most. To be able to rid the colonies of disease and suffering was to him, almost magic like. He felt like he would be able to make a huge difference in a person's life. This was what he was looking for, this was going to be his career.