Monday, February 8, 2010

Desert 4

I dreamed I was standing in front of a huge crowd of these native people. A tall man stood next to me. He carried a staff that looked like a piece of thin driftwood. There was talking, whispering pointing, mainly at me. Who was this stranger standing in their midst? He raised his hand and the crowd grew silent. With a thunderous voice that seemed to echo through the desert he bellowed " Quiet. All you who come to hear, this is what I say. Standing before you is the One who will rescue us from the wrath of the Evil one." Me? Why am I chosen for this, I thought. He continued: " He is to guide us from this place, which was once a refuge, and now has become a target. He will lead us to safety forever more!" I scratched my head. Again, I still couldnt believe what I was doing here. It felt as though I knew I was going to do this, but what was I going to do? I still had no clue.

I was awoken by the little lady who poured my water for me. "Rise. Rise, for you are to see the elders once again. They request you." she said softly as she shook my shoulder. Still foggy from the dream, I struggled to make sense of where I was. I got up out of bed and made my way to the elders tent. I walked in, and they all stood up to greet me. "Please, come sit".

They asked me how my rest was. "It was fine, other than this strange dream I had." I replied. The head elder asked me to tell them more. As I was telling them of my dream they all nodded and hummed in agreement. As if they knew what I had dreamed. "Do you know of this dream's meaning?" I asked? One of the elders, who seemed more of like the tribe's "medicine man" if you will, spoke: "It is of things to come." So, wait a minute, I thought. "Am I now dreaming of future events?" I asked. "Yes. It is the way of the Chosen One." he said, nodding. "So, does this mean I am the One who will lead you to a place of safety?" I asked. The elders looked at me blankly. "He still does not believe" the medicine man said to the others. "No, it's not that I dont believe," I said, "I am just confused, thats all." They all nodded. "It will all make sense soon." he continued. "The Chosen One has come from another time, and this confuses him. He is to understand when it is time."

I walked out of the tent. I just dont understand. Other than the fact that I am to lead this group of people to a safe place, which I have no clue where, I still dont know why. Why me? Why am I the one who has been through all this? Maybe someone with a little more faith? But what faith? What god do they believe in? Are they even Christian? So many questions. I need more sleep. I will ask more questions when I wake up.

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