Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day what? What number is this??? Where am I?

Ok, so I have started week 2. Day 8 maybe? Day 9? I dont know now, it's on the calendar but Im too lazy to look and count. It's officially my weekend, and I got a ton of stuff done today. Brakes on the Cavalier, grass mowed, both front and back. Poop scooped(Mandi said she couldnt do it...HA! Proved her think I got bamboozeled....little twerp!)Kids fed, dishes done. Bloggin....

So, now for the smoking thing. I had some difficult times last night at work. Mainly when I was sitting there doing nothing. I almost turned to my partner and ALMOST bummed a smoke from her. But, deep down, that little voice told me NO! DONT DO IT! YOU'LL RUIN ALL THAT YOU HAVE WORKED SO HARD FOR! Im glad I listened to that voice. Today, a couple of times I really wanted one. But I stuck it out, it lasted maybe 5 minutes each time, then I got busy doing something else. Is there a trend there? But the support Im getting at home is incredible. Tonight, after dinner I was 'Jones-in" again really bad. I sighed out loud, Mandi asked what was wrong and I told her. She jumped up sayin "Gum! Gum! Where's the gum???!!!!" I told her I was very thankful for her support. SHe said "No problem dad." I tell her what day Im on and she says "Woooo Hooooo......High Five!" (slap). Always makes me smile. I love everyone so dearly.........
Until next time....................................PEACE!!!!!

P.S. How many smokers does it take to change a light bulb?
None. THey cant concetrate that long enough without smoking...... Booooooo....bad joke...........boooooooooooooooooooo................."Get off the stage you idiot!"....... Sorry.....Im blaming the Chantix for that one..........

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