Monday, October 27, 2008

Day 36 YEA!!!

Day 36. Who'd-a-thunk it? Friday and saturday seemd really difficult for me, but I muttled through it. Gum is getting boring.
Got my check from Hartford today, and deposited it into the savings. It's like getting a free month! Over 300 now in the savings. Getting closer and closer. Now the big dilemma (heh...if this is a dilemma) buy used or save a little more and buy new? Gotta think on that one.
Last night, while I was talking about this, I kinda felt like I am doing the wrong thing. Like I shouldnt be focusing on saving my money for ham radio stuff. I dont know, I guess I feel guilty. I mean, there are others out there that are in far worse situations than I am.
Had Mandi's b-day on saturday. And if you are reading this that means I survived screaming loud 11-12 yo girls.......hmmphhhhh(scratch the head)......built a really great fire in the fire pit though. The following is a look into my thought process at the time: (verbal: spoken (mind: thoughts
Oh yeah. Fire! Let's make it bigger! (mind: Hey, grab that old piece of tree over there...put it, I didnt know sap could put out so much black smoke....ok...maybe that wasnt so smart....let's see...hmmm....ok....water...grab the hose....(verbal: "Ben, turn the water on when I say so..(Ben speaking)um....that way(as I point to my left)...turn it that way....yeah...the left....(mind:lefty-loosey.....)" back in the mind again: ok...dont put it all alot of steam...ok...(verbal: "Shut it off now Ben"....(mind:...sure is muddy...ok...the thing is still burning....roll it out...yeah...the poker....ok...that was easy (verbal: ' want me to stomp out the fire thats on the ground?" "Um, yeah..." (stomp stomp stomp)"Ok, it's out" "So's the log..." (mind: ok...wont do that again....whew....
That was just a small glimpse of what happened saturday night. Luckily, all the girls were inside doing their nails. None were looking. Not that I am aware of. So, I didnt look like a complete idiot. At least I dont think so...
Until next time........................ PEACE!

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