Saturday, January 19, 2013

The falsness of sunshine

Ahh, the sunshine. The warmth on your face. Remembering the days of summertime. It's all for a good cause: my mental health.

But, I did find that the sunshine can be misleading. Yes, misleading. Untruthful, if thats a word. Though it may be sunny out, the bitter cold can still cut through you.

And that's what I hate.

The bitter cold.

It's ok, though, because I know that soon, say 2 months from now, I'll be wearing my lightweight jacket, and looking at the road conditions to get the bike off the trainer and hit the asphalt.

This little picture at the top reminds me of summer's warmth. The events planned. The hopes and dreams of all I have for the summer.

Until the day arrives for the shorts to be worn all the time, and the air conditioning to be running, the extreme temperature of the steering wheel of your car, I'll be waiting.


Keep shining!

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